1) This platform is called "savefuns©" savefuns.com. As the meaning of the name, it helps members store points under a funny atmosphere, and will continue to create various opportunities for members to earn points, so as to achieve many win-win situations. New Day Development Limited is the sole owner and operator of this platform;

2) Anyone who is interested in can open an account for free and become a member of this platform. The login name is the member's mobile phone number;

3) Members have full responsibility to properly keep their login passwords. The operator shall not be held responsible for any losses incurred due to members' own negligence that causes disclosure of the password;

4) The unit of points saved in this platform name "funs©";

5) Members are divided into two categories: individuals and companies. All members can use their funs to consume or sign up for various activities or redeem gifts in the redemption center of this platform. Only company members have the right to buy funs (Promotions Pack). Members must provide effective BR when opening company accounts. Those accounts only become valid to use once the effective BRs are received by this platform. When buying funs (Promotions Pack), the transaction is carried out in the form of paying first and then receiving funs. When it is confirmed that the money has been deposited into the bank account designated by the operator, funs will be immediately transferred to the company member’s account on this platform;

6) Members can freely transfer funs to each other, but such transferrings belong to the inter-members, and the operator does not bear any responsibility for these activities;

7) All members on this platform (except the redemption center) must strictly abide by the basic rule of "1 funs is equal to 1 Hong Kong dollar to use". Once any member violates, the operator has the right to suspend or even cancel the qualifications of such members and is not responsible for any related losses caused to such members;

8) Credit is worth of gold! It is hoped that all members will abide by their preferential commitments made to other members. The operator reserves the right to suspend the account of any member who breaks their commitments;

9) If a member deliberately makes trouble or does even sabotage actions on this platform, the operator can immediately suspend the rights of such members on this platform and reserve the right to claim the losses caused by such actions;

10) If a member participates an illegal act on this platform, the operator will immediately suspend the rights of such members on this platform and notify the law enforcement department for handling.

First post: 20 June, 2021
Latest amendment: 6 December, 2021